My partner's name in India is Prakratik Living Pvt. Ltd
Hi, it's T.J. here! How are you? Hope you are great. Well, I just had a trip to India last week from Jan 24th until 28th and joined our partner in India for their regularly conducted roadshow, which this time was taking place in some peaceful residence area located in Noida, India. It was my first time to visit Noida, India and I was surely amazed of its level of modernization and its beauty. You should definitely make a stop at Noida if you were coming to India.
Well, my partner's name in India is Prakratik Living Pvt. Ltd. 'Prakratik' meaning 'natural' in Sanskrit, they are devoted to initiate a movement towards living natural and they surely are the perfect match with Terra Wash+Mg. You can find more about Prakratik Living from the following site.