Magnesium for flu?
Hello, it' Shingo. Today I would like to share about miracle effect of magnesium. Did you know magnesium bath salt ( Epsom salt) is...

The ONLY Vegetable Wash You Can See the Effect With Your Eyes!
Today, let me introduce Terra Wash+Mg's sister product name 'Terra Wash+Sea, 100% Natural and Eco-friendly Vegetable Wash'. It is the...

SOHO 2017 (Orlando, Florida)
I hope everyone had a great weekend and I surely did enjoy mine by exhibiting in the show name SOHO, The Natural Products Show, held in...

Magnesium for Diabetes?
If you have some worries regarding diabetes, magnesium may help. Recent reseach conducted by scientists from Harvard T.H. Chan School of...

Magnesium for Your Good Night Sleep?
Having tough time sleeping or want to improve the quality of sleep? Well, surprisingly, magnesium may be a key for it. As some studies...

Carcinogens in Your Laundry?
Many people love the fancy smell of detergent or dryer sheets on clothes, but one should take a moment and think 'With what possible...

Terra Wash+Mg in Paris
Bonjour! From October 22-24th, Terra Wash+Mg exhibited in the exhibition name, natexpo, which took place in world-famous Paris! It is...

Introduced in YouTube Video by John from Okraw.com
Terra Wash+Mg was introduced in YouTube video by John from Okraw.com. John came by our booth during Natural Expo East (Baltimore) and...

Sana Novita Award in Italy
We are proud to announce that our partner in Italy with Terra Wash+Mg has received honorable 'SANA Award # Blogger for SANA' as Green...