Carcinogens in Your Laundry?
Many people love the fancy smell of detergent or dryer sheets on clothes, but one should take a moment and think 'With what possible...
Terra Wash+Mg in Paris
Bonjour! From October 22-24th, Terra Wash+Mg exhibited in the exhibition name, natexpo, which took place in world-famous Paris! It is...
Nutrients in Food Tool.
Sometimes, don't you have a time that you are looking for foods with some particular nutrients in mind, like foods rich or low in...
Japanese Super Food, Miso Soup
Hi, it's Shingo. Miso soup is a traditional Japanese soup consisting of water with soup stock (Dashi), miso paste, and some other...
How to Improve Our Magnesium Levels?
Hi, it's Shingo. I hope everyone is having great summer! Well, I found a great article about how to improve our magnesium levels in our...
How much magnesium do we need per day?
Hello, it's Shingo. Recommended intake of magnesium per day is 310–320 mg for female and 400–420 mg for male. The amount is not easy to...
My partner in Taiwan, Kampe International Limited.
Hi! It's T.J. here. Well, today, I wanted to introduce our partner in Taiwan, Kampe International Limited and they are long-time...
Greenliving 2017, Toronto, Canada
Hi, it's T.J. and Terra Wash+Mg from Toronto, Canada! We are here for the open-to-public show name, Greenliving, which is taking place in...
Natural & Organic Products Europe 2017, London, UK
Hi, there! It's Terra Wash+Mg and T.J. from London, UK. It is our first time to be here in London and we are very excited to be here!...
Chocolate has highest level of magnesium!
Hi, it's Shingo here. Did you know that chocolate has highest level of magnesium? Here is a unique report saying people's craving for...